Sunday Night Football with the Cowboy, HIS cowboys & a little Yard Bird Dip
So it is Sunday night here at Casa de McMurtrey the cowboy has assumed the position in HIS chair. (What is it about men and THEIR chairs???) Remote control in a death grip in one hand which can mean only one of 4 things............ his beloved Texas Longhorns are playing, his beloved Texas Rangers are playing, PBR is on or The Dallas Cowboys are playing!! Tonight it is the Cowboys or as I like to refer to them just to watch his hair stand up & fire fly from his eyes, The Cowgirls!! LOL Which now that I think about it is a real insult to myself & to all other cowgirls because I don't think we would just hand the ball over without a lil more of a fight then they have been doing lately. Maybe the Cowchips???? Ha ha ha. I'm sure that comment will probably get me a few replies! Did I mention I am a PACKER Fan!!
Sunday nights in our house are usually fend for yourself, dig out the left overs, football food and/or popcorn. Tonight I tried my hand at Buffalo Wing Cheese Dip. Let me tell you the cowboy was more then overjoyed at the thought of Yard Bird for the second day in a row!! (He's stricktly a Beef kinda man.) You see I injected a chicken with bacon honey Bar-B-Que Friday night and cooked it the Beer Can way yesterday with some yummy butternut squash & couscous. Needless to say I baked a potato for him and a good thing too because after chasing him around the kitchen with a tinsy tiny spoon of the squash for about 10 minutes I finally decided it was much easier getting a 3 week old calf that had lost his momma to suck then it was to get my cowboy to eat squash!! LOL
However, he has given this new "Yard Bird" recipe a 2 thumbs up and ate 3 helpings!! He even suggested a lil bacon added next time which sounds pretty good to me. Maybe even a handful of chopped green chili!!
I had tasted this at a party once and liked it although a lil to much cream cheese for me and I never knew that was possible!! So I searched out a few recipes and then threw together what I thought would be the best combination.
Preheat oven to 350
grease a 9X13 pan ( I used a smaller Pyrex dish as my 9x13 was in use, worked just fine.)
spread 2 cold pkgs of cream cheese into the pan. (Note to self do not leave opened pkg of cream cheese on counter within reach of one large boxer or he will eat it! LOL)
Mix together:
3 cups shredded chicken (This is more then I found in other recipes, I didn't like the cream cheese out weighing the chicken mixture. I used the leftover chicken from yesterday.)
1/2 cup diced celery (optional, but I LOVE celery, can't eat Hot Wings without them! There is a Rule about that isn't there???)
1/2 cup blue cheese dressing or ranch your choice (The cowboy THINKS I used Ranch. LOL)
1/2 cup of your favorite wing sauce. I used Franks but would love to use BWW's Mango Habenero!!
1 cup of grated cheese. I used Sharp chedder.
Pour over the cream cheese and bake for about 20 minutes or until hot & bubbly, then add more shredded cheese to the top. Heat until melted. Serve with your favorite chips. We tried tortilla, frito's and ruffles. Tortilla's were the winner in our house. I also had more celery sticks.
I am thinking I need to cut this in half for just the cowboy and I. Good thing there is Monday Night Football too, LOL Go Cowchips!!!
Peace, Love & Cowboys,
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