A new beginning....................

My PINK Journey is a new beginning in life for me.................

If you don't know me let me introduce myself.  I'm Kara, a ranchers wife and a ranchers daughter.  I'm a mother of 4 and grandmother of 9.  I LOVE ranch life, traveling, time with my friends and family, cooking and eating what I or others cook even more!  I immensely enjoy taking photo's of our life on the ranch and all the wildlife.   I'm craZy over my babies which are my dogs, cats, peacocks, ducks, chickens,  horses and any other kritter that walks in the door.  

I am pushing 49 and was NOT looking forward to 50 at all
 until a few months ago when a friend introduced me to PLEXUS SLIM.

I have been a victim of migraines since I was 16, some lasting for days, numerous times a month  and on a good month only suffering from a couple of them.  I have also suffered from interstitial systitis since I was about 20 years old, a very painful bladder disease that they are  finding is linked to many other diseases.  I can't remember a day without pain in the last 28+ years in which some days had  me curled in a ball in bed all day. I have thyroid problems and have been on those meds since I was 23.

 Add to these allergies that required numerous meds & shots.  Bursitis in my hips,  arthritis and a bad back and 5 blown discs.  I've had numerous surgeries in just the last 9 years including a hysterectomy, a tube thru my tummy to pee through and my gall bladder out.  I have birthed more kidney stones then any woman will ever have kids and I got the wonderful gift of Shingles about 4 years ago and still have frequent or at least every 6 month breakouts even
after I've had the vaccine. Did I mention that for some odd reason as a result of all this and life in general I suffered  from depression??  Go figure! LOL.  I've been labeled with anemia and hypoglycemia just because I didn't have enough
things wrong you know, Ha!  Throw in with all that the normal aging of a woman and I was very lucky to get a day where I felt good for a few hours let alone a whole day.

I'm an extreme believer of all things natural.  My husband being a 20 year survivor of Melanoma cancer stage 5 whom went through extreme holistic treatments after surgery removed a 1/4 of his upper arm.  (Where SUNSCREEN people!).  I've seen what natural things can do for you and not tear down the good things so many medicines do or simply not taking care of our bodies God gave us.  Plexus is from natural plant derived products.  Sound better than a handful of meds with a bunch of side effects. 

  On top of all the meds doctors have prescribed for me over the years, I get chiropractic treatment, acupuncture and have tried all the natural things out there.   I could name off at least 6 BIG name companies with natural products I've tried just in the last 10 years and even tho they are wonderful products for some, they did not work for me. 

I had been reading and seeing allot of peoples testimonies about Plexus Slim but I was VERY, VERY sceptical! I mean nothing else had worked for me right?  And at that point I felt so bad day in and day out I was ready to give up and seriously thought maybe this was my Cross to Bear in life or that God was allowing this in my life for some reason I didn't understand.  So on a wing and a prayer I decided to give Plexus a try.

I started out with the Plexus Slim and the Accelerator and made up my mind when I started I'd do it for at least 2 months because of the 60 day $$ back guarantee, because after all what did I have to loose?  My bad health? I was more than ready to get rid of that, I mean I was on my knees praying for that for years!  Weight?  Well gee, "No, thanks I want to be over weight and add more pain to my back, hips, knees and feet.  Not to mention not looking as good as I want." Said NO WOMAN EVER!! 

  So I gave it a try.......
 For about the first 30 days I felt nothing, zip, zada, nada.   Then I started noticing little differences.  Sleeping better was the first and I have been either a non-sleeper or woke up feeling like I hadn't slept at all even when I'd been in bed sleeping ALL day long. Then my sugar & carb cravings started going away.  So, I decided to up my game and add the BioClense to my daily regiment.  About 2 weeks went by and I woke up one morning, at 5 a.m. all on my own, no alarm clock, no cowboy making ungodly noise as he left to do his thing, no dogs or cats deciding it was time to get up and eat, play and poop.  I just woke up and didn't feel bad at all!!!  I was like, Whoa!!!!!!  Who the hecks body
am I in??  Because this can't be mine!! At this point I started weaning myself off of 8 of my meds that all came with lovely side effects (insert lots of sarcasm).
Last week I placed an order for the ProBio5 and after just a few days I feel the difference.  So I am still asking myself why the heck didn't you do this sooner
and start with all 4 of those products you big dummy?? I'll be adding the XFactor vitamins and the Fast Relief (for what little pain I have left) 
as soon as it comes in.

I know this seems like allot of money involved for some.  However, when you consider I'm not paying for those other meds every month, even with 
 my insurance it still adds up!  I'm also not drinking cokes, sweet tea, or eating hardly any junk food anymore because those cravings are GONE!  Bye, Bye, Bye, see ya later.... Then the money really isn't allot.  Just think how much $$ you'd have to spend on these products if you gave up your daily coffee stop on the way to work, or the stop at Sonic for your daily fix and the stop on the way home to grab a cold one or something to snack on til supper.  That adds up 
pretty fast!! 

 Now, what if I tell you that you could sign up as an Ambassador for Plexus for less than $35 a year and get it at wholesale prices??  AND....  if you get anyone to sign up under you that you start earning points and those points lead to $$ that you can use towards your own products.  Exceed that and start earning $$$$.  Plexus is the 8th fastest growing company right now!  What if I told you you could end up taking trips to amazing places through Plexus like to Mauii!!  Nobody really wants to visit Hawaii do they??  Or you could end up driving a Lexus!  I know you prefer your old beat up car right???  You could work from home doing very little except sharing your own story about what Plexus has done for you, answer some questions and direct them to your website.  

Sound to good to be true??  Well I'm living proof it is NOT!
  Plexus is Life Changing.  
It's a PINK journey to health and a whole new life.

  Ready to jump on this PINK train with me and live the life you could be living??

 You could be......
Sleeping better than a baby or a teenager.

Developing a healthy life style.

Have more energy than you can imagine again.

Or have....
No more sugar, carb or other food cravings.

No more over eating. 

No more DIEting, just eating healthy because you want to and have the will power to now. 

No more massive numbers of prescription meds & their lovely side effects.

No more mood swings or happy pills because you are happy!

No more chronic pain.

No more depression.

No more headaches or migraines.

 I'm making money from home and still living the life I enjoy on the ranch or cooking for hungry cowboy's and hunters.

It Could be for YOU too!  Ask me how or check out these great products at:

Feel free to message me on FB or email me at 

I'd love to hear from you!


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