A SUMMER TIME MIDNIGHT RENDEZVOUS...............................

A little after midnight I was awoken with a gentle nuzzle to my ear.  I pushed him away with my hand.  Seriously???  I mean I had just had surgery and needed all the rest I can get, so Leave Me Alone!!  A few minutes later he was caressing my shoulder, I wiggled it and said go away. Fully awake now I rolled over on my side enjoying the cool night breeze coming in thru the bedroom door that leads to the back porch, just as mother natures night sounds were lulling me back to sleep I felt him at the small of my back and then he moved down to the tender spot behind my knee.  That was IT!! I had had it!!  With lighting quick speed I slapped the back of my knee and ended that pesky lil mosquito's life!! LOL

Ok, so maybe I had you going there for a lil bit .......  In truth I am actually happy to be complaining about mosquitoes, because it means we have finally had some rain!!  We are still in need of alot more, the cowboy is feeding cake still and hay, not something we should normally be doing in July.  I am trying to get in the hang of blogging every day, at the ever so gentle urging of family and friends.  Ok so some of them or not being gentle, so be patient! I write daily, but am just not in the habit of sharing, going to try the 21 day thing! They say if you do or don't do something for 21 days it becomes a habit or breaks a habit.  There are probably more I should be working on breaking then creating, but wait aren't they kinda the same thing??

Peace, Love and Cowboys
Riding the Range, Kara


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