Back in the Saddle Soon!

Well, I have been out of the Saddle for a day over 2 weeks now, due to surgery as many of you know, and am about to go CraZZZy!! Pushed myself a lil to much yesterday and had a temporary set back, so as I have been catching up on emails and such a couple of things reminded me of my nice lil visit to the hospital and to always try to stay on the sunny side of life! And to remember God is always there.
Despite already having numerous surgeries prior to this one, I felt myself a lil worried, but only because we didn't really know what was going to be done until the actual surgery. The night before the Cowboy (who by the way turns back into the loving, funny, charming, man I adore straight time, whenever we get away from home. Guess we need to get away more!) took me to one of my favorite places to eat for the "Last Supper", yep, Buffalo Wild Wings, one order of boneless wings with the Habenero Mango Sauce, a cold beverage and I am yours Cowboy! Who ever said a way to a mans heart was thru his stomach, had to have been a man, because the same can be said about this woman as well!!! I told him in lieu of nice gifts for holidays from now on just get a gallon of that sauce for me. He wanted to know if he should use it behind his ears to lure me from now on?? Silly man, and waste it on good chicken!! A night of great food, and laughter with my best friend and favorite cowboy was just what the doctor ordered pre-op!
I really hate it when I go to Texas an loose an hour of sleep due to the time change and like it even less when having to get up so early only to be knocked back out, but the show must go on.... Off we were to BSA's Day Surgery, which I will say is
1st rate!!!! Walked in the doors about 10 minutes early, handed me 4 papers to sign & said lets go! Lets GO?? All ready? Gee where was the sit and wait part?? So they herded me thru like an old heifer thru the chute, weight, height, what ever for?? Are there diff size beds and operating tables according to your weight and height?? Blood pressure, temp, yada yada..... so then I am escorted into my very own private room, deff. not the Honeymoon suite but it will do! Much to the cowboys liking it came with a nice recliner, and TV at which he promptly assumed the position and took CONTROL over the REMOTE! Men! Well at least he would be well entertained and comfortable for awhile. My "Surgical Transporter" yep, that was his job title, came in gave me my Oh so Stylish gown with the lovely, drafty, backdoor opening and said the nurses would be into access me in about 20 to 30 minutes. Access?? Lord have mercy just fire up the roto rooter and get it over with would ya!!
So before I even had a chance to check out the scenery or moon any of my neighbors in there here came 3 nurses... "Things have been moved up, they are ready for you NOW!" Told them "Lets Rock N Roll" One begins asking me questions, I had already been asked 2 times, one is taking vitals, again! And the 3rd is going to start my IV. I told her I was a hard stick, lil rollin veins, well... You guessed it she missed, and they only get one try so they called for another "Surgical Transport". Got to visiting with the one nurse while waiting to be transported, seems they are ex-New Mexicans who raise club calves and had some of them place at major shows this year. Can talk show cattle all day since daddy was one of the top Steer- jockeys back in the 70's. Isn't it funny how God sends you something or someone to connect with and distract you when needed.
Well transport arrived and we were off, didn't even ask if I wanted to kiss the cowboy good bye or say adios. Rolling out the door I holler back, "Love ya Honey, IF something happens, you are thru with your wife quota (I'm #3) so no re-marrying or I'll comeback to Haunt your Butt!" Needless to say the nurses station cracked up as well as Mr. Transport. He then proceeded to ask me why not, and had to explain I was the 3rd times a charm and his wife card was empty after me. He then asked me, well what if something happens to him? Well then my #2 will be younger and have Money Honey! And number 3 he inquired... "Oh heck Mr. Transport, by that time and my age, I will just be happy if the man is breathing!!!" as he died laughing we arrived at Holding Area. Holding? really I feel like a package being shipped thru fed-ex or something.
Holding is the lovely place they start your IV, IF the nurses missed, lucky me, stab #2 blew a vein, but #3 hit the mark!! Doc comes in next and we go over some of the lovely details, he says how bout those Raiders?? With a wink. Dang Texas Tech graduate! To which I say, How bout them Huskers?! With a wink! said he'd see me in there soon. Sheeshhhh. Hurry up & wait! Talked to the lovely young lady who is going to send me to La La Land, who I swear looked about like a Sr. in High School. As I am laying there waiting to meet my surgical team that will come to get me soon, in walks this cute, Hip, Cool dude! Flames on his lil do rag thingy, earrings, tan, muscles, (not my type, but an eye catcher)he glances at me and then takes a second glance and hollers "New Mexico!" Was a guy I spent many hours with the past summer as Daddy's transporter while he was in the hospital all 3 times... so we caught up while waiting for my pony's to come pull my chariot to surgery. Again, God is good! He knows when I am left alone my mind starts working over time.
At long last the surgical nurse came to roll me in, I slid over to the operating table, and I had to inform her I had some last minute instructions for the Dr. and to PLEASE not remove them until HE SEE's them. She gave me a strange look and said, Ok. So I lifted me gown to show her my sticky note I had stuck to my lower tummy, that in bold Red marker had written "GO HUSKERS!!" LOL!!! She died laughing, and said now that is one I have never seen! They then started more fluids, had a reaction to said fluids, stop fluids, started new ones, here comes the mask..... and "Hello, La La Land"
Why can't we have La La Land when we want it, not when we hafta have it!!! Along with being a hard stick, I am a hard wake up, but with a lil jump start, and a long conversation with a giant stuffed polar bear dressed in a hula skirt I arrived back in my room, 2 hrs later. The polar bear was for real, not just good drugs!! I was up and walking in 30 mins and outta there in an hour.... Told ya they run you thru like and Old Heifer down the chute!! Stayed another night in a hotel due to the blizzard at home, but was a good stay, I had good drugs, cowboy had another recliner, and remote, Pizza and Wing Stop on one side of hotel and Chinese for me on the other..... all was well with the World!
I hate being down, I am not a down person, and I am a tad impatient, and really don't like being told what to Do or what NOT to do. Have I mentioned I am some what of a Rebel??? LOL. But at least I have had a chance to catch up with emails, calls and this blog.....
Don't fret it ain't over yet, I'll be Back In the Saddle Soon! Brandin time is closing in fast!
the Kodak Kowgirl!
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